General information
- name: BNet
- type: Ladder 1vs1/FFA
- host:
- saver: lIllIl
map: LostTemple
- players: 2
- length: 25:48
- speed: Fast
- version: 1.21 W3XP
- replay type: Public
» download(95 KB)
team 1 (winner)
lIllIl (
pink | 133 APM | 3427 actions | 25:48)
5 Death Knight
3 Death Coil
2 Unholy Aura
5 Lich
3 Frost Nova
2 Frost Armor
4 Crypt Lord
2 Impale
2 Spiked Carapace
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 25 | |
Basic commands | 544 | |
Build / train | 58 | |
Enter build submenu | 17 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 17 | |
Give item / drop item | 4 | |
Right click | 787 | |
Select / deselect | 285 | |
Select group hotkey | 1622 | |
Use ability | 63 | |
3427 total
» units
Acolyte | 5 | |
Ghoul | 2 | |
Crypt Fiend | 9 | |
Obsidian Statue | 2 | |
Abomination | 5 | |
Frost Wyrm | 1 | |
24 total
» upgrades
Disease Cloud | 1 | |
Web | 1 | |
Ghoul Frenzy | 1 | |
Creature Attack | 2 | |
Unholy Strength | 1 | |
Unholy Armor | 1 | |
Creature Carapace | 1 | |
8 total
» buildings
Crypt | 1 | |
Graveyard | 1 | |
Ziggurat | 7 | |
Altar of Darkness | 1 | |
Tomb of Relics | 1 | |
Halls of the Dead | 1 | |
Slaughterhouse | 1 | |
Black Citadel | 1 | |
Necropolis | 1 | |
Sacrificial Pit | 1 | |
Boneyard | 1 | |
17 total
» build order
00:09 Crypt
00:18 Graveyard
00:37 Ziggurat
00:55 Altar of Darkness
01:39 Tomb of Relics
01:51 Ziggurat
01:53 Ziggurat
03:10 Halls of the Dead
04:37 Ziggurat
06:07 Slaughterhouse
07:08 Black Citadel
07:37 Ziggurat
09:44 Ziggurat
12:44 Ziggurat
13:48 Necropolis
16:02 Sacrificial Pit
19:06 Boneyard
» items
Rod of Necromancy | 1 | |
Dust of Appearance | 1 | |
Orb of Corruption | 1 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 1 | |
5 total
team 2 (loser)
tHeMaSter[GoKo] (
yellow | 117 APM | 3006 actions | 25:45)
5 Priestess of the Moon
2 Searing Arrows
3 Trueshot Aura
3 Keeper of the Grove
2 Force of Nature
1 Entangling Roots
» actions
Assign group hotkey | 62 | |
Basic commands | 254 | |
Build / train | 74 | |
Enter build submenu | 17 | |
Enter hero's abilities submenu | 8 | |
Give item / drop item | 1 | |
Right click | 889 | |
Select / deselect | 629 | |
Select group hotkey | 972 | |
Use ability | 100 | |
3006 total
» units
Wisp | 10 | |
Huntress | 12 | |
Dryad | 5 | |
Hippogryph | 15 | |
Archer | 8 | |
Druid of the Claw | 1 | |
Glaive Thrower | 1 | |
52 total
» upgrades
Strength of the Moon | 1 | |
Hippogryph Taming | 1 | |
2 total
» buildings
Altar of Elders | 1 | |
Moon Well | 9 | |
Hunter's Hall | 1 | |
Ancient of War | 2 | |
Tree of Ages | 1 | |
Ancient of Lore | 2 | |
Ancient of Wind | 1 | |
17 total
» build order
00:05 Altar of Elders
00:27 Moon Well
01:08 Hunter's Hall
01:47 Ancient of War
02:09 Moon Well
02:27 Ancient of War
03:22 Moon Well
04:36 Moon Well
05:41 Tree of Ages
07:14 Moon Well
08:25 Ancient of Lore
08:26 Ancient of Lore
10:27 Ancient of Wind
14:33 Moon Well
15:00 Moon Well
23:36 Moon Well
23:44 Moon Well
» items
Scroll of Healing | 1 | |
Potion of Lesser Invulnerability | 3 | |
Scroll of Town Portal | 1 | |
5 total
Chat log
(00:26 / All) lIllIl: hi
(02:59 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: Vsing a pro wow
(03:08 / All) lIllIl: im not pro
(03:12 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: ur good
(03:27 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: ull win fo sure
(04:19 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: hmmm map fuked
(05:50 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: Hacker
(08:17 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: mofo hacker reported
(08:36 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: u make me sick bro
(11:59 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: wow u mh hard
(12:01 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: 4 jackz
(15:36 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: wow
(17:18 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: Hack
(17:48 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: D
(17:58 / All) lIllIl: gg
(18:22 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: fw me plz
(22:00 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: u mh 2 much bro
(22:17 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: dude u jacked me like 5 times
(22:19 / All) lIllIl: i dont mh
(22:25 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: u do
(22:28 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: o well im give it som1
(22:36 / All) lIllIl: k
(22:44 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: u play well
(22:58 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: dont noe how u beat me
(23:04 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: guess fukin around :/
(23:19 / All) lIllIl: you didnt expo
(23:24 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: didn't try
(23:25 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: bro
(23:28 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: Though u were noob
(23:57 / All) lIllIl: besides, if i mhed
(24:03 / All) lIllIl: would you have gotten those silly fiend kills
(24:13 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: u wern't looking
(24:22 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: Its ok ill get u banned from alot of clanz
(24:29 / All) lIllIl: im not in any
(24:31 / All) lIllIl: :)
(24:40 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: u wont beable 2 come 2 any either
(24:45 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: u cheated 2 win
(24:50 / All) lIllIl: you really think this is my real name
(24:53 / All) lIllIl: :)
(24:56 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: i dont noe
(25:01 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: Dont care u got lucky
(25:06 / All) lIllIl: K
(25:21 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: ur gonna get disc
(25:21 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: 5
(25:22 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: 4
(25:22 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: 3
(25:23 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: 2
(25:23 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: !
(25:31 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: WOW
(25:33 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: WOW
(25:40 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: its not working
(25:44 / All) tHeMaSter[GoKo]: fuk lost 2 a noob